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Physical Disability Council of NSW

Who We Are

We assist people with a physical disability to live ordinary lives as contributing members of the community by providing opportunities for individuals to gain the information, knowledge and skills necessary to manage their own lives.

What We Do

PDCN is a systemic disability advocacy organisation seeking to influence or secure positive long-term changes that remove barriers and address discriminatory practices to ensure the collective rights and interests of people with disability are upheld.

Learn About Disability

As the peak representative organisation of, and for, people with physical disability, PDCN educates, informs and assists people with disability through submissions, research and reports. All our research and findings are available to the general public.

Latest News

NSW Government Response to the Disability Royal Commission Lacks Action

A long road and a disappointing outcome. Introduction The Commonwealth and State and Territory governments released their response to the Disability Royal Commission (DRC) on…

Early Reflections on Defining Foundational Supports in NSW

Contents 1. The voice of people with physical disability in NSW 2. Defining foundational supports 3. What people with physical disabilities want from foundational supports…

NSW Budget Misses the Mark on Accessible Housing and Royal Commission Recommendations

The NSW 2024-2025 Budget makes significant infrastructure investments but fails to show financial commitments to improving accessibility for people with disabilities. In March 2024, PDCN…

How the DSAPT Changes Can Make Public Transport More Accessible

After undergoing a landmark modernisation process, the Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport 2002 (DSAPT) proposed reforms were finally released in March 2024 by the…