A Bequest within a Will is a clause that reflects your wish to leave a particular gift or share of your estate to a person or organisation.
Your Bequest can take the form of a specific gift (amount of money, shares, material assets) a percentage of your estate or a residual gift (once your family’s needs have been provided for the remainder of your estate to be bequeathed).
More and more Australians are bequeathing their estate to charitable organisations. By including PDCN in your Will you will be helping people with a physical disabilities to live ordinary lives. Your estate, or part thereof, will go towards:
- PDCN Support Planning initiatives,
- Peer Support,
- Emergency Readiness through I’m Okay,
- Education, Training and Workshop Programs,
- Our capacity to conduct research & report findings, and
- Assisting us to prepare Submissions.
When making your Will it is important to consult your legal adviser to ensure that your wishes are recorded in a legally binding form.
If you would like to discuss making a bequest to PDCN please call us on 02 9552 1606 or use our contact form.