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Disability Employment Services
The Department of Human Services website provides information about the support Disability Employment Services can provide to people with disability to engage in, and retain employment.
Disability Employment Service Providers can provide a number of services and support based on your individual needs including:
- help to prepare for work, including training in specific job skills
- job search support, such as résumé development, training in interview skills, and help in looking for suitable jobs
- support when initially placed into a job, including on the job training and coworker and employer support
- ongoing support in a job if required
- the purchase of vocational training and other employment-related assistance
- access to help with workplace modifications, support services, and Auslan interpreting in the workplace.
For more information visit the Department of Human Services website at www.humanservices.gov.au/customer/services/centrelink/disability-employment-services
The EmployAbility program is run by Spinal Cord Injuries Australia for people with physical disability who are looking for work. It’s free and accessible online. EmployAbility can help you with your resume, the application process and find you a job with a trusted employer. Their Employment Coaches have lived experience of physical disability, they have also been on the employment search journey and can share their experiences to support you. Head to https://scia.org.au/job-seeker for more information.
JobAccess is a free information and advice service about the employment of people with disability. JobAccess helps people with disability, employers, service providers and the community to access information about services, financial assistance and workplace solutions.
You can find useful information about reasonable adjustments, disclosure of disability, disability employment case studies, tools and checklists.
For more information you can visit the JobAccess website at www.jobaccess.gov.au